Mobile Websites For Marketing Your Business

It’s a fact… everyone has a mobile phone today. Not only that, but nearly people can’t live comfortably without them. Studies show that most mobile device users have their phones within arm’s reach over 90 percent of waking hours.

Did you know that there are approximately 4 BILLION mobile subscribers across the world?

Approximately 30% phone users have a smartphone and that number is expected to increase to roughly 43% by 2015 according to eMarketer.

Not only that, but Americans are spending an average of three hours per day on the Internet from their mobile devices.

Are you starting to see WHY Mobile Marketing is one of the most intense ways to connect with your local prospects and customers?

Mobilizing your business is no longer an option – it’s MANDATORY.

By 2014, analysts predict that more people will access the internet from their mobile devices than from their PC desktops!

So how does your business stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on this convincing, cutting-edge marketing method?

Mobile marketing covers many diverse types of marketing techniques and strategies that help businesses gain profits and ROI.

One is mobile-friendly websites.  Did you know that ½ of all Internet searches for LOCAL products and services are performed from mobile devices?

picture your possible customers whipping out their cell phones to look for your type of product or service while “on the go”…

Yes! They found YOUR business’s website, but once they get to your website, they can’t find your phone number… or your directions… or your menu/services…

Of course, that material is likely on your website, but if it is not “mobile-friendly,” it will not be distinctly visible to mobile users.

Because of this, visitors will quickly go off your website. Why would they stay? They can’t navigate your site to find what they need, so they move on to your competitors.

Studies show that more than 20% of local business searches are performed from mobile devices. That’s potentially 20% of business that YOU could be missing out on!

No matter what business niche you are in, times are tough these days when it comes to getting more customers and sales. So you cannot afford to miss out on ANY business.

One straight forward way to prevent this is by having a mobile-friendly website for your business.

Traditional websites are constructed to be viewed on a computer screen instead of a small mobile phone screen. So viewing a traditional website that has not been “mobilized” on a mobile phone is almost impossible.

Not to mention that they take forever and a day to load! In fact, most “non-mobilized” websites don’t even load at all on mobile devices.

Mobile-friendly websites simply make it convenient for your customers and probable customers to connect with you. As a business owner, your main goal is to remove all obstacles when it comes to your business’s “visibility.”

With mobile-friendly websites, “on the go” visitors can easily find and contact your business with one-click calling, one-click email, and instant directions. Again, this removes those “extra steps” that may be otherwise needed to contact your business.

It is recommended that you evolve a mobile-specific website that includes only the information that mobile consumers want and need instead of attempting to encompass all the substance from your existing website into a format made for mobile viewing.

Find out more about mobile marketing and what it can do for you by calling us, Marketing Systems, Inc, for a free consultation. We specialize in creating quality mobile marketing campaigns to help your business grow onward and upward.

Give us a call at (916) 538-5441, or send an email to:  We at Local SEO HQ look forward to hearing from you!

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